Youth Fitness For The Summer

Apr 24, 2023

Helpful Tips & Program Details

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Well… depending on who you ask, I suppose!

Summer is here, meaning the kids will soon be out of school with TONS of time on their hands, so why not make the most of their summer by ensuring they’re staying active and learning healthy habits when it’s most important. Teaching our youth the value of healthy living should be a priority for us all – and will set them up for success down the road.

This summer, we are running our Youth Fitness Program: a multi-week day camp that introduces kids to the benefits of staying active while teaching them proper form and generating excitement around fitness! Our goal is to educate youth on how to live a happy, healthy, and FIT future!

By now, you may be reminiscing on the good ‘ol days when you spent your childhood at summer camp: let this be an opportunity to remember how much fun those times were, and how those experiences provided you with unparalleled life experiences that stuck with you – even to this day. Not only will participants learn an appreciation for healthy living, but they’ll also get to meet a ton of other kids in the community, learn important life skills, and make memories to last a lifetime.

Our summer youth program will also provide the opportunity for your child to learn a lot about themselves – both physically and mentally! Our inclusive, welcoming and motivating space will pave the way for self-growth in many ways.

The Fitness Project Youth Fitness Program: why our program is different

Unlike many traditional summer programs – we won’t be wasting much time on the unnecessary. Our youth fitness program is intentional, directional, and of course – TONS of fun! Program participants can expect a high-energy, rewarding experience from the moment they walk into our studio, right down to the very last day.

Our team of highly-qualified fitness leaders understands that this can be an intimidating space for youth who haven’t found their fitness stride just yet – not to worry though, they’re in GREAT hands! Some of the main areas we will focus on are how to create and maintain healthy exercise habits, build and tone muscles, increase lean body mass, and improve hand-eye coordination.

By encouraging participation in various activities and assessments, we will also place an emphasis on improving balance, movement, endurance, flexibility and agility. This will be done through a number of independent and group exercises, games, and workshops.

The summer of self-growth: building confidence in a positive space

There is NO DOUBT that our kids have had a rough couple of years. Between the effects of the pandemic restrictions, navigating adolescence, and the general pressures of life itself – we owe it to our youth to help them build confidence in a positive and inclusive space.

As a ZERO JUDGMENT club, we believe fully in creating an environment where people can break through barriers to become their best selves – and this means everyone, even kids!

Youth aged 8 to 12 are in such vulnerable – dare we say it – awkward times of their lives. This summer, we are excited to have a positive impact on program participants, and to play a pivotal role in their self-growth, development, and – best of all – HEALTH!

With summer being so short – kids will be getting ready to head back to class before we know it! Let’s set them up for a successful year by providing them with the foundations of healthy living!

Building a community mindset EARLY

As the saying goes – Rome wasn’t built in a day – and it also wasn’t built by one person! While the journey towards self-growth and self-development is incredibly important, it’s equally as important to ensure we’re a team player.

Another awesome benefit to our youth fitness program is that it’s a collaborative, team-oriented space where youth can meet tons of others with similar interests! Not only will participants learn important social skills, but they’ll also learn about the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

At The FITNESS PROJECT, we’re all about our community, and consider this to be an important pillar of our success – so it’s no surprise that our approach to youth fitness places an emphasis on working together!

Living a screen-free summer (kind of)…

Look, we get it. Kids are being inundated with technology – like, they literally cannot go a day without putting in some screen-time. While in the club, kids are encouraged to ditch their phones (putting them safely away, of course), in order to maximize their experience!

At the end of the day, kids want to have fun. By keeping the energy high and keeping them busy, we’ll have them forgetting all about their apps and social sites. Well… hopefully🤞🏻. Our goal is to introduce kids to new ways of getting active and learning how to make more healthy choices. By incorporating many fun activities, team building exercises, and challenges, we will ensure that they go home with tons of new ideas on how to stay fit without having to search it on Google!

Fitness at Home

Many parents and kids think of organized sports when they think of fitness. Though there are many advantages to signing a child up for a sports team, practice and games once or twice a week are not enough to reach activity goals. Also, parents can no longer rely on physical education in schools during the summer to provide enough physical activity for kids.
Here are some ways to keep your kids moving at home:

  • Make physical activity part of the daily routine. From house and yard chores to an after-dinner walk, keep your family active every day.
  • Allow & encourage enough time for free play – outside and away from their digital screens. Kids can burn more calories and have more fun when left to their own devices.
  • Playing tag and riding bikes around the neighborhood is fun and healthy.
  • Keep a variety of games and sports equipment on hand. This can include an assortment of balls, hula-hoops, and jump ropes that can keep kids busy for hours.
  • Be active together. It’ll get you moving, and kids love to play with their parents.
  • Limit time spent in sedentary activities, such as watching TV, using electronic devices, being online, and playing video games.
  • If you run out of possibilities at home, take advantage of local playgrounds and athletic fields. Make family fitness outings part of your regular routine. Let family members choose an activity — go hiking, skating, or try out a fun rock-climbing wall. Anything goes, as long as everyone can participate. This will keep them busy, happy, & healthy…plus, it’ll give you a break on occasion for your own fitness needs.

    Youth Fitness Program: FITNESS PROJECT

    Our summer fitness program is a carefully curated approach to youth fitness. We’re excited to bring youth a program that not only suits their needs and teaches them important life skills, but also one that gets them excited to wake up, SHOW UP, and give us all they got!

    Opportunities like these teach kids important, fundamental life lessons about self-development and help them build the confidence that carries them through adolescence into adulthood. Our zero judgment space allows for participants to feel safe, be authentic, break through barriers, set goals, and – best of all – to GROW!

    While there’s tons of room for independent growth, the program seeks to foster a community-oriented, team-building atmosphere. This is THE space to form new friendships and to learn important social skills while staying active and having fun!

    Even by limiting kids’ screen time for a few hours during the week, we can ensure that the time is spent doing something valuable and important! There’s truly no escape in this digital age, however by bringing it back to the basics, we can teach youth how to make important decisions about their health and wellness without having to look it up.

    Our focus this summer will be to create a positive space for program participants to learn about the importance of staying active while they’re still young! Kids will learn how to create and maintain healthy exercise habits, build and tone muscles, increase lean body mass, and improve hand-eye coordination – all by people who know what they’re doing!


    The Youth Fitness Program begins at our Conroe (MWF @ 11am), Magnolia (MWF @ 11:15am), and The Woodlands (MWF @ 12PM) locations on June 5th and runs until July 28th! If you’re looking for more information, feel free to pop by the front desk.


Start your fitness journey with us today.

First time local guests 18+ only. Restrictions may apply. See club for more details.

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