Fit to Be In Love: A Couples Workout Plan

Jan 26, 2022

Is it just us, or does 2023 have WELLNESS written all over it? Whether you’re on fit-tok, practice weekly ‘self-care Sundays, or simply prioritize living a balanced lifestyle – wellness looks a bit different for everyone and we are here for it!

The days are slowly getting longer, and we know that warmer weather is right around the corner – but for now, we welcome February as the season of love and participate in all things Valentines-related.

It’s no doubt that the pandemic has shaped the way we view health and establishing a sustainable fitness routine is more important than ever. The pandemic has also forced many of us to spend a significant amount of time with our partners. Sure, working out alone is effective, but there’s an added level of motivation and accountability that comes with working out with your significant other. Working out together can help you align with each other’s goals in the gym, and outside the gym as well. Motivating one another to reach your fitness goals is a major bonus for anyone who struggles to find the drive and stay focused.

This February, we’re challenging you to reinvent the wheel on your next date night and participate in our couples workout plan. Let us emphasize how important it is to modify any of the exercises below to best suit your needs. Everyone is different, and even though your partner may be able to complete an exercise as described, it doesn’t mean that you have to push your body beyond its limits.

Establishing a healthy routine in 2023

Witho​​ut delving too deep into pandemic-related talk, we can’t go without acknowledging the impact that COVID-19 had on the need to establish a healthy routine in a world that was struck with lockdowns and widespread illness. Many of us were forced to adapt to these changes by becoming familiar with home workouts and getting outside more than we normally would. Now that things are seemingly back to normal, there are still some things to consider when building out a fitness routine in today’s world. Physical exercise is critical in maintaining our health. Whether it be our physical or mental health – moving our bodies is key to living a long and healthy life.

One of the biggest changes we’ve seen come out of the pandemic was the emphasis placed on introducing small changes to create sustainable growth. This could be at the gym, in our kitchens, at work and in our relationships – basically in all aspects of life! By taking an approach that values sustainability and the acceptance of progress – we are setting ourselves up for creating routines that will serve us for years to come. On that note – it’s important to keep in mind that we are allowed to have FUN when working out. The pressure that so many of us put on ourselves to reach a PR by a certain time will often take away from the experience and will set us up for failure in the long run.

Prioritizing a fitness routine that you enjoy will guarantee its longevity over time and will yield desired results – trust the process!

Relationships in a post-COVID-19 world

So, here we are. Nearly 3 years since the pandemic flipped our world upside-down and finally – we’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Over the past three years, couples have either spent a lot of time cooped up together OR the opposite and have been forced to limit time together due to COVID. Regardless, we’re in a new year and the past is well behind us. We’re here to remind you that, even if you spent 3 consecutive months working from home with your partner – there are still things you can learn from one another, especially in the realm of becoming the healthiest versions of yourselves.

Benefits of working out with your partner

There are a number of amazing benefits that come with working out together. Working out with your significant other is like having a built-in accountability partner! They will lean on you to make sure they’re on track to meet their goals and vice-versa. Another huge, and obvious benefit is that it makes the workout less lonely and way more fun. This will give you an opportunity to enhance your relationship in a different way and spend quality time while also doing something good for your health, simultaneously. Developing a fitness routine together is a great opportunity to strengthen your relationship and learn about your partner’s fitness goals. Finally, it makes working out safer by having someone with you in case you hurt yourself.

Working out with your partner is an excellent way to shake things up when you’re looking to add something new to your date nights. Sure, dinner dates are lovely – but sometimes you want to throw something new into the mix, and believe us – we’ve been there. We understand that it can be uncomfortable to workout with your significant other, but it’s important to establish some ground rules. This can be anything from the type of music being played, to making sure neither of you holds each other to certain expectations or push beyond your limits.

This Valentine’s Day, we’re encouraging you to team up with your partner and take part in our workout plan below. You won’t need any equipment to perform the exercises, and you’re encouraged to modify movements as necessary.

How it works:

  1. Clear out enough space for both of you to be able to perform the exercise safely.
  2. Put your phones on ‘Do Not Disturb’. Remember, this is quality time for you two and shouldnt be interrupted.
  3. Find a hype-up playlist that gets both of you worked-up and ready to sweat.
  4. Get 👏🏻to👏🏻it👏🏻

Workout Plan:

5 sets, AMRAP* in 30 seconds.
*As many reps as possible.

1. Full-bodyweight squats

Stand with your hands behind your head and your feet at shoulder-width apart. Ensure your toes are pointed outward to maximize stability throughout each movement. Slowly lower your upperbody until your hips are just below your knees. Slowly rise and be sure to utilize the strength in your thighs.

Tip: Add a dumbbell or kettlebell to up the ante!

2. Plank taps

Begin in a plank position and alternate tapping your shoulders. Be sure to move slowly between each rep and focus on using your core for stability.

FYI: One full rep is complete after BOTH shoulders are tapped and you return to plank

3. Push-ups

Place your hands firmly on the ground at roughly 2-inches past shoulder width on
either side. Make sure your arms and legs are straight but not locked. Lower your
upperbody as much as you can, using your arms and core for strength.

Modification: To simplify this workout, complete pushups with both knees on the

4. Jumping jacks: this is an excellent way to get that heartbeat up quickly!

Stand upright with your arms above your head and your knees slightly bent. As you jump, alternate closing and opening your arms and legs, moving quickly between each rep.

5. Glute bridges

Lay down on a solid surface with both arms at either side of you and your knees bent. Use your glutes to raise your lowerbody and move slowly between each rep.

Tip: Be sure to keep your palms flat on the floor beside you.

6. Toe-touch shuffle

Stand upright with your toes pointed slightly outward and your legs wider than shoulder length. Raise both arms out to either side of you and alternate tapping the opposite toes at a quick pace.

7. Mountain climbers

Place both hands and knees on the floor and alternate each side, bringing the knees towards the chest in one swift motion.

Let us know how you did by tagging us with #MyFitnessProject on social media!



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