Between all the fluctuating restrictions, heightened health fears and change to routines, a lot of people have struggled to find their groove with fitness throughout the pandemic. Those who previously worked out often feel like they’ve lost momentum and those who didn’t are now less motivated to start.
Whether that rings true for you, or perhaps you fall somewhere in between, know that you’re certainly not alone — feeling driven some days and absolutely not other days is a universal struggle (and one that’s been amplified over the last year and a half).
We get it. We’re with you.
DID YOU KNOW? Science shows us that being physically active helps us feel better, and prevents or slows many diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and dementia. It even helps us live longer. For these reasons, the US physical activity guidelines and the American Heart Association recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity weekly. Recently, a study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine suggests that routine activity may help protect people who get COVID-19 from becoming seriously ill.
So now for some tough love; Consistency is key if you want to reap the rewards of exercise — namely, achieving your fitness goals and maintaining (or improving) your health. You can’t exercise a few times and then be done with it. It’s an ongoing practice, like a savings account or sleep, that compounds over time.
The good news is, consistency doesn’t have to be boring or rigid. The ways in which you fit fitness into your life can shift and change; it’s your commitment to taking care of yourself that must be consistent.
Here are five tips you can rely on to revive your drive to exercise continuously:
1. Track your workouts
Whether it’s a simple tick on a calendar or a detailed account of your sweat session, the practice of recording your success can help inspire action. It also provides a visual cue or tangible reminder of your goal, which can help you form a habit. In addition, most Fitness APPs, like the My Fitness Project APP not only track your fitness efforts and routines, it provides fun competitions and challenges, reward programs and helps you book classes to keep you motivated. If you’re a FITNESS PROJECT member, you can download and get started today – APPLE APP STORE & GOOGLE PLAY
2. Remind yourself of what’s at stake
When you’re feeling on the fence about working out, think back to a time when you were sick — it’s usually in those moments that you recognize the importance of health. Use that as a reminder of what you can do today to help protect your health.
Exercise boosts your immunity, releases stress, inspires healthier eating, improves your physical strength and mobility, builds self-esteem, and of course, supports your cardiovascular health, among many other benefits.
3. Pair up with a buddy!
Sometimes going at it alone leaves us tempted to bail, but when you commit to exercising with someone, you feel more accountable to sticking with it. Lean on your partner, find a friend, connect with one of our trainers, or simply sign up for a group fitness class so you know other people are counting on you to show up. Did you know that if you are already a member of FITNESS PROJECT, you could earn a FREE Month for every friend or family member that you refer who joins? A workout buddy and a free month…what more could you ask?
4. Shake it up, try something new
Perhaps part of the reason you’re not feeling overly compelled to workout is that you feel like you could do it with your eyes closed. In other words, you’re bored and need to freshen things up. For example, if you normally do the same circuit, perhaps try a spin class! Explore several options here that fit any schedule.
5. Take your fitness & training to the next level with Virtual Training
Somedays you just can’t make it to the gym but you also don’t want to miss your workout. Maybe your workday ran long, maybe you have an overnight work trip, or maybe you’re on vacation. Experience the benefits of Trainer-Curated Workouts Virtually. APPs like the FP Studio APP (available exclusively to Studio members), provide new, fresh workouts that challenge you to try something new or focus on specific results. Already a studio member? You can download and get started today – APPLE APP STORE & GOOGLE PLAY
6. Give yourself a goal bigger than yourself
When your own health isn’t motivating enough to make a move, put something else on the line. Participate in a local run for charity or check out what philanthropic fitness initiatives we’re hosting and get involved. FITNESS PROJECT has recently partnered with American Heart Association with the 2021 Heart Walk – Sign up and help us walk for a cure while we raise funds and heartbeats!
At the end of the day, action is what matters. It’s not necessarily about doing things to a ‘T’, but rather, your ability to do something — to find willpower, practice discipline, and get yourself back up when you fall out of rhythm.
Remember, you might not be able to control the chaos happening around you, but you are in charge of how you react to those circumstances. You get out of it what you put into it and your health and happiness is worth every ounce of effort.
We’re rooting for you, always. Find your nearest FITNESS PROJECT and start prioritizing yourself today.