6 Tips To Achieve Your New Year’s Fitness Goals

Dec 17, 2021

Look and Feel Your Absolute Best

Happy New Year!!! Can you believe it? It’s already 2024! It’s that time of year when New Year fitness goals top everyone’s lists of resolutions and priorities. But even with all the barbells (see what I did there) and whistles that accompany these well-intentioned plans, it seems almost inevitable for many to fail at sticking to them.

Traditionally, most people feel as if waiting till New Year’s to start their resolutions or goals is the most appropriate time. Why not? It is a new year and new beginnings, so it is an appropriate time to also start a new goal. There’s just something satisfying about starting your new goal on a new week/new year. However, sadly, these goals don’t always last. In fact, according to the U.S. News & World Report, the failure rate for New Year’s resolutions is said to be about 80%, and most lose their resolve by mid-February. Disappointing to hear, right? But don’t let that dissuade you!

This failure rate doesn’t have so much to do with the person who makes the goals but points towards flaws in the traditions of resolutions. While it is great to set expectations for yourself and goals to achieve for the year, it is important to not aim too high and set expectations that you know you are able (and willing) to achieve. Then you can truly succeed and continue to accomplish the New Year’s resolution that you set for yourself for the upcoming year.

While as we’ve stated, New Year is a great time to start this journey, it is also incredibly important to know just how to be able to achieve your goal! Since 38% of all New Year’s resolutions are fitness-related, it is safe to assume that only 7.6% of these goals are met. But we’ve gathered some helpful tips to help you reach those fitness goals in 2023!

1. Verbalize your Commitment

Worried you won’t stick to your fitness commitment once life starts to get in the way or you start missing workouts due to a busy schedule? It’s time to start writing down your goals, popping your class dates and times in your calendar, or even announcing your intentions on social media (seriously, it can help). By verbalizing your commitment, you’ll be more inclined to get along to that class, particularly if you tell your friends and followers that’s what you plan to do.

2. Create a Plan

Before you start your exercise program, answer three questions. First, when will you exercise? Identify three days and times that are convenient for you and stick with those days so you are working out at the same time each week. Second, what type of exercise will you do? The best type of exercise is one you enjoy and reap the benefits that you are seeking. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing; pick an exercise that works for you. Choose from activities such as walking/running on a treadmill, cycling, running, swimming, weightlifting, skating, dancing, golf, handball, tennis, and basketball. Third, how much time will you spend exercising? Start with as little as 10 minutes per session and slowly build up to at least 30 minutes per workout. By creating and sticking to a plan, you will hold yourself more accountable.

3. Find a Workout Buddy

Many people can find joining a fitness center or gym a bit daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. FITNESS PROJECT is a welcoming place designed for individuals from a variety of fitness backgrounds, even offering Fitness Clinics and assessments to help get beginners started – but if you’re feeling worried about joining us for the first time, bring a friend. Everyone knows starting a new routine – whether that’s a high-intensity class or a grueling training session – is much easier when you have a good pal in tow. So, go on, make it your aim to work out with a buddy and you’ll be glad you did. Plus, you can catch up on the latest gossip or plan your weekend outings on your breaks.

4. Keep Track of Your Progress

When it comes to fitness goals, it can be easy to get discouraged when you don’t see immediate results. Your body takes time to adapt and adjust to your new eating and exercise habits, so it can be several weeks before you see results. To avoid becoming discouraged, it is essential to track your progress.

By tracking your workouts, you can see proof of the progress you are making in other ways, helping you to check off a healthy habit every day. This will help you to visualize your progress toward your goal and can also help you maintain consistency with your new routine. Want to know one of the best ways to not only set your fitness goals but track ongoing progress? FITNESS PROJECT offers unlimited 3D Body Scans with some memberships – plus, you can check the clubs out for FREE.

5. Don’t Forget To Have Fun

If you like what you’re doing, you’re more likely to stick with it. Why not use this new year as motivation to try something new? Maybe you’ve always wanted to try yoga to relax, lift weights to build muscle, or you’d like to take your fitness to the next level with Team Training. If you enjoy it and build connections, you’ll likely keep up the great work throughout the year!

6. Appreciate yourself

We know, everyone says that you should love yourself and trust me, it won’t hurt to hear this once more. Love yourself because that is the most important thing to do. No amount of New Year fitness goals or New Year fitness resolutions will help you achieve what you want unless you learn to love and appreciate yourself.

These are just some ideas & tips you can try in the hopes of helping you commit to your 2024 New Year’s fitness goals. Consult your doctor before starting any new exercise routine, go easy on yourself, and have fun with it – you’ll be well on your way to a healthier and happier you this year.



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